TENDER: End-Term Review of the Implementation of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025

Status: CLOSED

Extended Deadline of submission: 31 March 2024, 17:00 Jakarta time (GMT +7) 


As the ASCC Blueprint 2025 is approaching the conclusion of its implementation, it is a mandated under the ASCC Blueprint 2025 to conduct an End-Term Review (ETR) of its implementation of ASCC Blueprint 2025, hereinafter referred to as “ASCC ETR”, covering the period from 2021 to 2025. The ASCC ETR is designed to evaluate the progress of the ASCC Blueprint 2025 since its implementation, focusing on its aim to create a Socio-Cultural Community that engages and benefits ASEAN’s people while promoting inclusivity, resilience, sustainability, and dynamism. The ETR will make use of the existing ASCC M&E system, including the ASCC Database for the Monitoring and Evaluation (ADME) System, to provide data at both national and regional levels. Qualitative tools will complement quantitative measures.

The ASCC ETR will be an essential tool for understanding whether the programs and initiatives implemented under the ASCC Blueprint 2025 are achieving their intended goals and objectives. By providing data and insights into the performance and outcome of these programs and initiatives, the ASCC ETR will also enable stakeholders to make informed decision pertaining to ASCC priorities and initiatives including funding, resource allocation and fostering continuous learning within the ASCC Pillar.

Terms of Reference: ASCC-ETR



Bidders should send their Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal on two separate emails with cover letters and materials specified in Section VII above and other supporting documents to tender@aus4aseanfutures.org, no later than 31 March 2024  at 17:00 Jakarta time (GMT+7). Large documents (>5MB) can be submitted in parts through several emails. Late submissions will be disqualified.

The title of the tender should be put as the subject of each email as follows:

  • Technical Proposal_”End-Term Review of the Implementation of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025″_Name of Vendor
  • Financial Proposal_”End-Term Review of the Implementation of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025″_Name of Vendor

For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), please visit https://www.aus4aseanfutures.org/tender-frequently-asked-question/.

Any queries on the TOR should be sent to query@aus4aseanfutures.org before 26 March 2024 at 17:00 Jakarta time (GMT+7). Response to received queries will be published at https://www.aus4aseanfutures.org until 1 April 2024. Please use the subject line:” Query: End-Term Review of the Implementation of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025″.  There will be no individual responses/replies provided for queries.



1.”The members chosen for the project should include national level consultants from each ASEAN Member States.” Does this mean we need to account for ten national level consultant/experts in our budget? Are they regarded as non-key experts? (Posted on 4 March 2024)

Ideally, yes. The personnel should include national level consultants from each ASEAN Member States. These consultants can be considered evaluation experts at the national level and should be accounted for in the budget.

2. On the qualification details for this project: To what extent is the consultant expected to be able to assess national policies and laws in the 10 ASEAN national languages? (Posted on 4 March 2024)

The consultant must have in-depth understanding of ASCC-related regional and national policies/laws / mechanisms, and overall knowledge of ASEAN. They should have the expertise in assessing key ASCC – related national policies and laws especially aligning them to the ASCC Blueprint objectives and performance indicators. The TOR of the Project includes a deliverable on National Assessment for each ASEAN Member State on the ASCC Blueprint Implementation which should reflect this national-level assessment.

a. Do you have specific requirement on the consultant’s experience/credibility regarding policy and laws?

The TOR has identified the qualifications for the consultant’s experience and expertise.

b. Is the consultant expected to have a national consultant in each AMS?

Ideally, yes. The personnel should include national level consultants from each ASEAN Member States. These consultants can be considered evaluation experts at the national level and should be accounted for in the budget.

3. It is required to assess “the institutional mechanisms for implementing the ASCC Blueprint 2025 in the AMS and the ASEAN Secretariat, at both the sectoral and cross-cutting levels”. So at each AMS. (Posted on 4 March 2024)

Yes, assessment of institutional mechanisms should include at each AMS. In the TOR, there is a deliverable on National Assessment for each ASEAN Member State on the ASCC Blueprint Implementation which should reflect this national-level assessment.

4. Question: the ASCC Blueprint covers many areas, with in each country multiple institutions involved. How do you see this institutional assessment to take place? For which institution? Is it one main AMS central institution that needs to be assessed or potentially each and every institution that is involved in the Blueprint implementation in each AMS? (Posted on 4 March 2024)

Bidders should be able to provide the methodology for assessing multiple level engagement and mechanisms for the implementation of the Blueprint. The ASCC Blueprint 2025 covers 15 ASCC Sectoral Bodies which should be the basis in determining the institutions involved in the implementation of the Blueprint.

5. Question: We would like to extend our request to you for deadline extension for at least one week as we need some more time for preparing quality proposal as per requirement and expectations of the client. (Posted on 21 March 2024)

Please be informed that ASCC Monitoring Division has agreed to extend bid submission deadline up till 31 March 2024.  Please find the revised TOR in the ASEAN and A4AF websites. (Uploaded on 21 March 2024)







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