TENDER: ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Research and Development Platforms on Care Economy – DEADLINE EXTENDED

Status: CLOSED

Deadline of submission: 25 November 2024, 23:59 Jakarta time (GMT +7) – DEADLINE EXTENDED



The ASEAN Secretariat and the Australian Government, through the Australia for ASEAN Futures Initiative, invite applications from firms, organisations, or joint venture/consortium/association (JCVA) to establish a Research & Development Platform focused on the care economy, aimed at enhancing policy-making and strategic development across ASEAN Member States. This platform will produce two flagship reports, three policy briefs, and facilitate two online forums to foster informed decision-making and targeted initiatives that address the realities of the ASEAN care economy landscape.

The Consultant/Implementing Agency will be responsible for leading knowledge-sharing forums, developing comprehensive reports on the state and opportunities within the care economy, and working closely with ASCC Sectoral Bodies to address technical gaps and provide actionable policy recommendations. Key deliverables include:

1.    Two Forums – Knowledge exchange events featuring expert panels and research presentations.

2.    Two Flagship Reports – A landscape analysis of the care economy and an edited volume of selected research papers.

3.    Three Policy Briefs – Strategic guidance to support ASCC Sectoral Bodies.

4.    Collaborative Engagement – Working with the ASCC Analysis Division and Monitoring Directorate to provide insights on social development trends impacting the care economy.

Terms of Reference: TOR_RDplatformCareEconomy



Tenderers shall send their Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal via two separate emails, attaching the respective cover letters and materials specified in Section VIII above and other supporting documents to tender@aus4aseanfutures.org and aus4aseanfutures@asean.org, no later than 25 November 2024 at 23:59 Jakarta time (GMT +7). Large documents (>5MB) can be submitted in parts through several emails. Late submissions will be disqualified.

Tenderers shall use the following email subjects when separately submitting their technical and financial proposals:

  • Technical Proposal_” ASCC R&D Platforms on Care Economy “_Name of Vendor
  • Financial Proposal_” ASCC R&D Platforms on Care Economy “_Name of Vendor

For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), please visit https://staging.aus4aseanfutures.org/back1/tender-frequently-asked-question/.

Any queries on the TOR should be sent by email to query@aus4aseanfutures.org before 14 November 2024. Please use the subject line: “Query-ASCC R&D Platforms on Care Economy”

Response to received queries will be published at Aus4ASEAN Futures’ website (https://staging.aus4aseanfutures.org/back1/). No individual responses or replies will be provided for queries. Please check the page regularly for updates.


1.In the TOR Section VI on Scope of Services, you mentioned that the work will take ‘approximately 222 person working days of various professional services’. Does this mean that the work will take 222 working days shared among personnel, or 222 working days per personnel? (Posted on 13 November 2024)

The 222 working days referenced in the TOR represent the total indicative level of effort required to complete all project outputs. These are shared across all personnel involved, rather than being allocated as 222 working days per individual.


2. Since the TOR and its forms are embedded in pdf format, are the forms allowed to be reproduced in Word or Excel (for Financial Proposal)? (Posted on 13 November 2024)

Yes, you may. Please ensure to use the template from us.


3. Are the proposals and its forms delivered in compressed format or attached in each email? (Posted on 13 November 2024)

The submission should be in 2 (two) separate emails, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal.


4. Is there a possibility to extend the deadline? (Posted on 18 November 2024)

Deadline of submission has been extended to 25 November 2024, 23:59 Jakarta time (GMT +7)






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